Data Requests Available
Please Contact Cynthia Edwards at cedwards@emcog.org
EMCOG does not currently house Geographic Information Systems data sets for download or for sale. However, under Property Ownership and Geographic Information Data, EMCOG has provided the most direct known link to property ownership information whether tabular or mapping enabled for the EMCOG 14 county area. Also included are links to the State of Michigan GIS open data portal, the Michigan DNR Open Data portal, and The National Map interface.
Under Demographic and Livability/Sustainable Communities Facts we offer links to the US Census Bureau Maps & Data section, as well as the American Fact Finder section. The US Department of Transportation is very involved within a HUD/DOT/EPA Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities, Various planning tools and data mining site links, focused on Livable, Sustainable, and Affordable communities are also listed here.
Developed by the Indiana Business Research Center, the STATS America tool (www.statsamerica.org) is a simple means to calculate EDA eligibility thresholds based on unemployment and income data for Counties, Census Regions, or neighborhoods.